17 March 2007

note for the doctor

Note from Driver to my Mental Health doc.

SPC Techno has had a bad week. It will be hard to tell why. She has been crying a lot lately. I asked her "why?" and her response has been "nothing." I say she doesn't and does want to go home. I mean everybody wants to go home. She goes from doesn't give a shit to crying to happy to crying and sometimes to bitch mode. Mostly from doesn't give a shit to crying and back. I wish I could be there with her but I got missions. Techno is a sweet smart woman. She has a future. She tries her best. But not to be mean.. she gets upset sometime easily. She tells me when she is crying that she doesn't know why she is crying. She doesn't want to cry but she doesn't then she get mad at herself for crying. I can get her to laugh and smile but as soon as I stop she gets all sad again. It might be because of her period. Oh, she is always looking tired. She gets enough sleep. I don't know why. She also been lying to you! Please her!

Thank you,
PFC Driver
I leave for my appointment in an hour.

I won't even go into how frustrating it is to get help when you actually need it.

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