08 July 2007

this is definitely not nothing

I feel like a ping pong ball being bounced around different sections of Troop Medical Care and the hospital. Come in, see this provider, have these tests done. Tests and labs come back negative. Return with no improvement, see a different provider that refers you to a specialist. Specialist can't narrow it down, another referral, another specialist, another appointment.

No one has given me any answers. I have no active infections, no cysts, no fibroids, no stones, no abnormalities that they can see. I am taking Percocet for pain. Exploratory surgery has been mentioned. Endometriosis has been hinted at. I don't know what is going on with my own body

I am scared.


I_play_magic said...
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Dr. Alan Weldon said...

Hang in there. Remember that even when tests are negative it's still an answer, and will lead to another question. Unfortunately medicine is like solving a giant puzzle. They will find the answer but for now it just sucks to be the puzzle. Sometimes you just need someone to go in for a look. If this is done with a laproscope then you just have a small hole in the belly button and a camera is used to scout around for the source of the pain. Don't dispair, we are praying for you and you are never alone.
God bless you
The Weldon Family