19 March 2007

now what?

Last night I stared at the ceiling of a tent hospital, wishing the itching and the shaking would just stop.

Apparently I'm allegeric to the medication that was intended to help me.

Now what?


Anonymous said...

Hey Techno. I'm praying for you. Hang in there. Take care. John

Dr. Alan Weldon said...

I know you're not a horse ( but probably work like one) but that sure sounds like a drug reaction to me. In animals the leasions can hang around for a bit so try not to freak to much....easy for me to say. I'm sure you have a great group of doctors there and they will find whats needed .Neurochemistry is really complex but simple imbalances can cause a host of issues. I'm sure they will help you sort it out. Again , you stay in our prayers
Alan Doc Weldon