19 June 2006


Yesterday I got a call from Fifi. It was her first day being able to go off-post, and they got to go to WalMart. How so very nonexciting. No drinking, no clubbing, a curfew, and a group of very uptight females. Apparently they're so afraid that someone will attempt to peek in the very very high windows in the barracks that they've taped up paper over all of the windows, and heaven forbid if you take the paper down.

Plus, her man, SilentType, was in Sweetheart's group, and they're long long gone. She keeps forgetting that he's gone in her excitement of doing new Army things and will call SilentType's cell phone to tell him and gets his voicemail: "Hello, this is SilentType. I can't come to the phone right now so if you would please leave a message..." It breaks her heart. In short, she's miserable.

No email from Sweetheart, and I'm not counting on getting one. It would be better if I didn't. I don't know. He keeps asking me if I would want to go to Baghdad. No no no no. He knows enough people that he could pull the strings to make it happen, and I know that I'd be put up in a palace, get really easy duty, and have access to everything I would want, but no. No no no no.

Then again, who knows where I'm going to end up.

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