03 June 2006

so very very lost

My mom asked "So what are we going to do tonight?"

In the back of my mind, I heard Fifi's voice saying "The same thing we do every night - plan to take over the Army!"

On the phone with Sweetheart, I heard a helicopter in the background. Men moving around the barracks, voices and their numerous converstions mixed with the sound of cleaning weapons.

I woke early in the morning, expecting to hear the sound of soldiers calling cadence to their run or convoys rolling down the road. Instead, my cat curled up next to me, begging for attention.

At lunchtime I told my mom "I'm hungry, but the chowhall is closed." She laughed at me.

Dinner was lobster and pierogi. I was craving both. And the Army serves neither.

I feel so lost.

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