08 February 2007

life as I know it

I'm tired. I don't feel like writing, but I know that I should. Driver and I are staying up late late late -- it always starts with "we should go to bed early" and always ends with "I don't want to go to bed yet!" We'll sit down, snuggle up, start talking and within a half hour we're both passed out cold. No one ever wakes us. Hours later one of us will shake the other awake and mumble something about getting back to our own bunks. Kiss goodnight, slip inside the barracks, and crash. I groan when my alarm goes off in the morning.

Driver has been back from his mission for more than a week. It feels strange, to have him here for so long. We have no idea of when he's leaving again. Rather than enjoying it, part of me wonders when he'll plop down at lunch and tell me that he has to pack up and go. Really, I get much more sleep when he's gone.

Life here is still dragging on. Routines are made, routines are broken, and it's all okay. This is life, and I am not thinking about life back home. I don't want to think about life back home. How in the world am I going to be able to go back to "normal" just like that? And how do those that have seen the gruesome part of this world go back to living the American Dream?

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