22 April 2007

back to the sandbox

I've been back in the desert for about a week now. No more Chinese, no more struggling with chopsticks, no more skyscrapers, no more yummy homemade meals and sleeping in until the construction work woke me up. Back to sand, sun, paperwork, plastic silverware, and o'dark thirty workouts.

My supervisor is on vacation, his back-up has medical stuff going on, and therefore, I am running around this base trying to get stamps and signatures. I managed to make a full bird Colonel rather upset over the stamping and the signing thing -- they dragged me back into the office later that evening to explain myself. Fortunately, because I have absolutely no clue what is going on, I was spared the Colonel's wrath via the Major.

Driver is on leave, and I'm missing him. He's backpacking Europe alone. Some of the people I spend time with while he's normally gone are also away. Moping around, keeping to myself, trying not to sleep all day. Today feels like how Sundays felt when I first got here: lonely, boring, empty, long.

At least I'm past the halfway mark.

1 comment:

I_play_magic said...

it's meeeee!!!!

(yeah you can put back the link to my blog again)