10 April 2007

Hong Kong Park

Koi in a pond. So many colors!

There were turtles everywhere basking on rocks.

You can still see the city from the park. But that's okay.

Observation tower. Very long spiral staircase up to the top. I think the sign said it was 30 meters tall.

A view of buildings on the climb up to the viewing platform on the observation tower.

Circle window in Tai Chi Court.

Triangle window in Tai Chi Court.

Statue, circle window and plants near the exit of the Tai Chi Court.

Birds in the aviary. Many many different species are kept in the park's aviary. This is also a spot where everyone with a SLR camera was snapping away.

This is actually in the Zoological and Botantical Gardens, a short walk away from the park. The inscription reads "In memory of the Chinese who died loyal to the Allied cause in the wars of 1914-1918 and 1939-1945."

Fountains in the park -- also a spot to find people snapping away. The big mushroom shaped fountain actually has a path where one can walk inside.

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