27 April 2007

thinking ahead...

Just a few more months here. And then back to the so-called real world.

In the meantime, I'm looking at my bank account hard. Do I have enough money to go to China on a school trip? What about a few weeks in Brazil? Backpacking through Europe? Oh, and will I be able to afford a car and everything that comes with it? And books and fees for my first semester? Will I have to pick up another job or will unemployment be just enough? I might be able to pull it off, with my rainy-day fund intact. Or maybe I'll realize that I'm being just a little too ambitious.

There's other stuff that is bouncing around between the family back home and here. For awhile there has been talk of Driver moving. As in moving in with my parents and myself. It's scary, it's exciting, and I have no idea of how it's going to turn out. I've already written about our concerns about him driving back in the States. Add to the weaving and "I own this road" philosphy here that is normal for him to the fact that he's never ever driven in snow and I'm just anticipating trouble. Once we return, winter won't be too far away. Also, I know I'm going to run into the school of thought that cohabitating is bad/sinful/not a good idea and I have no idea of how to handle that. One of my guy friends is already calling Driver completely psycho just because of the moving plans. There's a method to the madness and it's not really anyone's business. There's a lot of research that needs to be done before the move: jobs, schools and covens, oh my. In the meantime, I'm crossing all of my fingers and toes hoping that it goes well.

And university! And my job in the planetarium! I can't wait to go back, even though I have to wait until months after my return to the States. The student crew that I'm used to won't be there. They'll have graduated and moved on to the Life After College. I have no idea of what other student employees will be there. Work will be strange without PhysicsGeek and EngineeringGeek. I'll probably have to study extra hard in my French classes just because I've let my brain rot and not kept up on my language skills. The same for my programming classes. I wonder if I'll go back to calling my professors "Sir" just like how I did after basic training.

Four more months. Just have to hang on for four more months of the hot desert sun and colorless sand.

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