14 May 2007

oh, happy belated mother's day

Still waiting on a date for Mom's heart cath. In the meantime, I'm scouring AR 600-8-10, Leaves and Passes, trying to figure out whether or not my situation will qualify. It's my mom, so the relation question is pretty much settled. But then there's that pesky Chapter 6-1, 3-e bit:
For a serious situation involving accident, illness, or major surgery that cannot be postponed due to the urgency of the medical condition. The situation must result in a serious family problem. The family problem must impose important responsibilities on the soldier that must be met immediately and cannot be accomplished from his duty station or by any other individuals or by other means.
Is a heart cath major surgery? Not really. She'll probably be released the same day or next day. Is it something she can delay? No. Apparently she's at risk for a heart attack. Would there be a family problem? Maybe. Dad works six days a week, Fuzz and his girlfriend are out of the house, and I've usually been the caretaker after Mom has had surgery. And I definitely can't do that here. Could, would someone else in the family pick up the slack? Perhaps, but I don't know.

Not to mention we have no clue when this will happen, or if it'll be approved.

I asked my supervisor if he thinks it'll really be approved, and he said yes, followed quickly with "you just want to go home, don't you?"

Wouldn't you?

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