06 May 2007


I am leeching internet off of one of my guy friends, the very same guy friend who scolded me for not being at Circle. For a variety of reasons, I've reverted to only going when Driver is on camp. No one came and banged on my door, no one called, no one emailed. So I haven't gone. It's been about a month or so since I've participated. Which means that it's been about a month since I've really spent time with them. That's a very long time out here.

Driver is due back soon. It's that same feeling that I always have right before he comes back, that slow, dull waiting from the time I get the "I'm going to be home VERY soon" email until my phone rings and his voice is on the other end asking me where I am, can I come meet him? Only he won't be coming back from the road, full of stories about the Third Country Nationals, the local women and children that try to steal things off of their trucks, the flat tires, the bridges, the crazy driving. He'll be coming back from Europe, not the road. I'm sure there will be alcohol involved. So rather than looking up at every HET expectantly and looking for his truck number or even a truck from his platoon, I am waiting for an unknown plane to land.

Waiting is the hardest. I want him here now.

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