01 May 2006

The civilian side of life

I should be studying right now, cramming for the first of many finals this week. But I want to take the time to relax, to collect myself, to get motivated.

Also, I want to remember life here. The civilian side of my life. The life that I'm leaving behind for a little while. I want to remember laying on the campus green and staring up at trees in full bloom whose branches criss-cross a blue sky. I want to remember the sound of various languages all jiving together in the language building. I want to remember all of the craziness that is the trademark of my deptment head/professor. I want to remember the delicate lilt that my French prof has in his voice when he reads a text. I want to remember zooming by on the back of a motorcycle. I want to remember the messy office that never seems to stay clean for long.

And that's not even a fraction of it all. I don't think I'll ever be able to put it all into words.

I'll miss them, that's for sure.

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