10 May 2006

a cold goodnight

I want to cry. Not because I had a bad day -- on the contrary, it's been a good day, training included -- it's just... The one that I expected to support me the most... Isn't supporting me.

The girls tell me to brush it off. To take it all in stride. Our friends tell us that it'll be okay. His cousin says we'll still run away and get married. But the little voice in the back of my head constantly wonders if I got on the wrong plane.

I'm terrified that my relationship is going to fall apart and there will be nothing that I can do to stop it. Not for lack of trying, either.

Techno: why are you so cold with me? on the phone, on MSN. I try to talk to you, but you don't seem to want to
MeuAmor: I really have to go
Techno: please just answer me?
MeuAmor: Yes, I still don't want to talk to you, I am still upset with you. What do you expect? If you was me? What would you do?
Techno: I would support you. I would give you the strength to do it. I would cry in private
MeuAmor: Yeah, but I am not you
Techno: you're right. but I could use your support. my mom doesn't like it either, and she gives me her support
MeuAmor: I can't support in something I don't agree
Techno: why?
MeuAmor: Too much tired. bye
Techno: when can I talk to you again? really talk to you?
MeuAmor: I don't know
Techno: should I even try?
MeuAmor: I don't know either
Techno: ...
MeuAmor: Good night

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