28 May 2006

well, all my ducks are lined up in a row...

They tell me to take it up with the commander, so I email him.

They tell me to email the commander (to which I get no response), and I email again.

And now they're saying:

Bottom line: To date only Sergeant Z has my permission to miss AT. If anyone else wants to miss AT then you need to contact me directly or by email and I’ll make my decision. I need to know by close of business Tuesday May 30th. I will handle these requests on a case by case basis. Do not take it for granted that if you make a request it will be granted. You must receive verification from me.
And exactly how many times have I requested that I don't want to go on AT, and exactly how many times have I NOT recieved an answer?

Look, people. My instrument? Signed in before I left for this school. A body to play said instrument? Someone else has been tripping over themselves to get the chance to play it. My two weeks time spent in active duty? Already completed.

Everything has been all lined up for you, nice and neat. What about you?

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